Psychology Services for Aged Care Residents

Psychological treatment and support to residents of aged care facilities
Hunter Primary Care provides psychology services to permanent residents of aged care facilities in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Dungog, Upper Hunter and Mid North Coast. This service is free of charge to both residents and the aged care facility.
Our staff visit facilities and can provide psychological treatment and support to residents of aged care facilities who present with mild to moderate mental health disorders and/or are exhibiting psychological distress. The resident does not need to have a diagnosed mental health disorder to be referred. The service is for residents who are able to respond to psychological interventions and who are not able to access support from Medicare or other government-funded sources. The service works collaboratively with aged care staff and GPs.
The service is funded to address gaps in service, not to provide specialist or dementia services, nor duplicate services provided by the Older People’s Mental Health Service (1800 011 511) or Dementia Support Australia (1800 699 799).
Common presentations to our service include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grief and loss
- Persisting pain
- Adjustment problems, such as difficulty coping with a health condition, sensory loss, functional decline or transitioning into living in residential aged care.
The psychological support offered will be determined by our psychology team based on the resident’s presentation using an evidence-based, stepped model of care, and can include staff consultation or training. The number and length of the sessions provided are dependent on the preferences of the resident and their ability to benefit from psychological intervention. Written feedback and recommendations from the sessions will be provided by Hunter Primary Care to the referring GP. Verbal information can also be provided to aged care staff and family members with the consent of the resident.
How to refer
Referrals can be made by GPs or senior staff at residential aged care facilities. A Mental Health Care Plan is not required. We ask that you gain consent from the resident (and enduring guardian where applicable) prior to referring them.