Drug and Alcohol Counselling Services

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Please note, Hunter Primary Care does not provide a crisis mental health service. If you or someone you care for is seriously injured or in need of urgent help please call Triple Zero (000) or visit your nearest hospital.

For information and referral advice to NSW Mental Health services, call the Mental Health Line (24/7) 1800 011 511. 

Providing you with effective services to address mild to moderate substance use

If you are aged 16 years and over, are concerned about your drinking or other drug use, our team of psychologists and mental health clinicians can provide a range of drug and alcohol services to you. The services currently offered by Hunter Primary Care include:

  • Counselling and brief interventions with a psychologists or mental health clinician delivered face-to-face, via video-call or over the phone
  • Aftercare support focusing in relapse prevention
  • Treatment of existing mental health symptoms
  • Services suitable for people who would benefit from short term interventions across 6-12 sessions

We work closely with Drug and Alcohol services in the Hunter New England Local Health District to ensure that you have access to the most appropriate level of care at any point in your treatment journey.

Unfortunately, our program is not appropriate if you:

  • Require long-term or ongoing support
  • Experience severe dependence or polydrug use requiring medical care
  • Are requesting work development, court-ordered or probation and parole treatment reports

How to refer

Referrals to our Drug and Alcohol Counselling services are available by self-referral and professional referral by your GP or health care provider.

More information

For more information, please contact our intake team on (02) 4935 3039 or send us an email by clicking here.

Drug and alcohol support numbers

Emergency and Overdose 000

Alcohol Info Hotline (ADIS) 1800 250 015

Drug and Alcohol Clinical Service 1300 660 059

Alcohol and Drug Foundation information line 1300 85 85 84

Family Drug Support Line 1300 368 186

Interested in our services?

Our friendly team are ready to answer your questions. Complete this form and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

You can also get in touch with us over the telephone or by email