ACE Education & Resources


Aged Care Emergency (ACE) Manual

The ACE generic manual is a clinical support resource for the care of acutely unwell residents living in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF).

The Aged Care Emergency Manual contains clinical information and flow charts to guide RACF and ACE clinicians to determine the clinical needs of the acutely unwell resident. The flowcharts are designed to assist staff in delivering care; however they should always be used in conjunction with sound clinical judgement.

The manual enables facilities to sensitise the manual to their local resources.

The manual is available to purchase as a hard copy, physical resource or as a downloadable PDF. Please select your preferred option by clicking the links below.

ISBAR4AC Clinical Handover Form

ISBAR is a tool used to help provide structure to communication in a number of settings and at both ends of the communication transfer. The tool has been adapted for aged care, ISBAR4AC.

This double-sided form is a fantastic tool to help your staff deliver a clear, concise and professional handover. You can order these via the link below.

ISBAR 4AC Form V13 (002)_Page_1
ISBAR 4AC Form V13 (002)_Page_2


STOP and WATCH is a tool that certified Nursing Assistants or any other personnel (housekeeping, dietary, family members, volunteers) can use to alert a Nurse if they notice something different in a resident’s daily care routine.

Why use STOP and WATCH?

  • Promotes communication with other team members
  • May prevent a hospital transfer and improve the overall level of care
  • Improves resident safety
Hunter Primary Care_ISBAR card

Aged Care Emergency Education

Hunter Primary Care conduct two-hour workshops via an online platform that supports the implementation of the ACE process.

The workshops includes:

  • ACE process
  • Clinical Communication including ISBAR4AC
  • Clinical observations and flags
  • Using tools and guidelines

Yellow Envelopes

Yellow envelopes are utilised within the HNELHD region when transferring residents between care settings.

To order Yellow Envelopes for your facility, please complete your the details in the form below.

For further information

For further information contact the ACE service team on (02) 4935 3241 or email