Hunter Primary Care is pleased to announce that a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has been appointed to the organisation. Keith Drinkwater, Hunter Primary Care's Chief Operating Officer, will be stepping into the role of CEO effective 1st August 2024, following the retirement of Brenda Ryan.

Keith has been an invaluable asset to Hunter Primary Care, demonstrating exceptional leadership, and dedication throughout his twelve-year tenure with the organisation. He has consistently shown a deep understanding of Hunter Primary Care's vision and mission and has played a pivotal role in driving the organisation’s success. Keith has worked in the health sector for over 40 years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Service Management.

“This decision comes after careful consideration by Hunter Primary Care's Board of Directors, recognising Keith's proven track record of achieving results and embodying our core values” says Richard Anicich AM, Chair. “He brings a wealth of experience and is well-known in the local primary care industry, making him the ideal candidate to lead Hunter Primary Care into the future.”

In commenting on his appointment, Keith says “I feel very privileged to be taking on this role and having the opportunity to further contribute to strengthening primary care in the Newcastle and Hunter region and beyond. I am confident that under my leadership, Hunter Primary Care will continue to thrive and deliver our mission of integrated health and wellness services that help each person be their best.”