I am the CEO at Hunter Primary Care and have been in this position and a member of the RAP Working Group since 2017. I joined the RAP Working Group to ensure that Hunter Primary Care remains committed to safeguarding the foundations of the organisation's efforts of committing to reconciliation. As the Leader of the organisation, it is important to demonstrate to all staff, stakeholders and the wider community that Hunter Primary Care is committed to on ongoing journey of meaningful change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
I believe reconciliation means strengthening relationships between all Australians. It involves taking positive actions that demonstrate an understanding of the past and seek opportunities to remedy the actions for the benefit of everyone.
AS CEO it is my duty to lead by example and bring people along on our journey of reconciliation. Whilst ensuring that Hunter Primary Care is true to its commitment of reconciliation, I personally take great pride in my own actions, such as learning about indigenous culture and history. I consider Hunter Primary Care to be a champion in taking actions that strive toward reconciliation, simply because our organisation takes positive reinforcing steps that continuously demonstrate a true commitment to growing the relationships between Indigenous Australians and non-Indigenous Australians.