Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program Resources
Student validation required prior to placement
If your placement host is an approved NDIS provider, you will be required to have a current NDIS Worker Screening Check, or evidence of an application. If you do not have this, you are required to apply for it at least 2 weeks prior to commencement of your Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement. Applications can be made by clicking here and will be at your own expense. Be sure to use the name of your host provider as the employer name on the application.
Learning guides
We have developed comprehensive learning guides for both students and facilitators/mentors. Click below to download the relevant guide for you.
Wellbeing support for students
Nursing can be difficult at times, as can being a student. Recognising your needs and seeking help is a sign of professionalism and can help prevent burnout in a stressful work/study environment. Here are some options you might like to explore:
- Your General Practitioner (GP)
- Lifeline Australia
- Beyond Blue
- Head to Health
- Avondale University Student Support
- Charles Sturt University Student Support
- University of New England (UNE) Respect. Now. Always
- University of New England (UNE) Student Support
- University of Newcastle Student Support
Hunter New England resources
- Aged Care Emergency Service (ACE) - The ACE manual has been developed for use by residential aged care staff within the Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) area to aid in decision making when a resident becomes unwell. The guidelines have been developed by, and are specific to, the HNELHD clinical streams for use in ACE and are updated every three years to reflect current best practice. Residential aged care facilities within the HNELHD have hard copies of the manual. It can also be accessed from the ACE website. It is password protected.
- HealthPathways Hunter New England - HNE Community Health Pathways is a website hosted by the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECCPHN) and is a site specific to the HNELHD for health professionals. It has management advice and referral pathways for a multitude of health conditions, including for the older person. It is password protected.
- HNE Patientinfo - Hunter New England Patient Info is a sister site to Hunter New England Health Pathways and provides factual and relevant up to date information about health conditions for the general public. It is not password protected and is available to all.
Central Coast resources
- ACE Manual - The Generic ACE Manual is a clinical support resource for the care of acutely unwell residents living in residential aged care facilities (RACF). The flowcharts are designed to assist staff in delivering care, however they should always be used in conjunction with sound clinical judgement. It is reviewed and updated every three years to reflect current best practice and is available to download as a PDF.
- HealthPathways Central Coast - Central Coast Community Health Pathways is a website hosted by the HNECCPHN and is a site specific to the Central Coast LHD for health professionals. It has management advice and referral pathways for a multitude of health conditions including for the older person. It is password protected.
- Â Central Coast Patientinfo - Central Coast Patient Info is a sister site to Central Coast Community Health Pathways and provides factual and relevant up to date information about health conditions for the general public. It is not password protected and is available to all.
Aged care in the home resources
- ACE Manual - Carers and students in Community Aged Care are also able to utilise the generic ACE manual as a general guide. Please note that the resources available to the home carer in a client’s home are very different to those available in residential aged care, and will determine the usefulness of the guidelines.
Aged care information
Aged care in Australia is supported by a number of different federal websites including:
- My Aged Care - the purpose of this site is primarily to assist the general public to access aged care services, and provides a lot of plain English information (also translated into other languages) to consumers.
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission - protects and enhances the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of people receiving aged care. They promote high quality care and services to safeguard everyone who is receiving Australian Government funded aged care. The Commission assesses and monitors quality of care and services against the Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Quality Standards - there are currently eight quality standards for aged care. The Standards will change on July 1 2024 to a new set of 7 standards that will better reflect the care expected for older Australians. This means that aged care providers are currently in transition, which may add some confusion to care reporting.
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-AAC) - this funding model is designed to provide equitable funding to approved residential aged care services by linking subsidy to the characteristics of services and residents that drive costs.
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) - provides oversight of all aged care in Australia and has a large number of educational resources available to view. DoHAC are the funders of the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program.
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program - this site gives an Australia-wide perspective on the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program.
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care opportunities for nurses in aged care - this site has information about special payments and scholarships for nurses working or studying in aged care.
- APNA Aged Care Knowledge Hub - supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and provides resources, articles, and links to students, facilitators, aged care providers, and all other interested/invested parties.