Close the Gap Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of March each year and aims to bring people together to share information and most importantly, to take meaningful action in support of achieving health equality for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people by 2032.
Hunter Primary Care's March monthly staff meeting was hosted by our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group, to acknowledge Close the Gap Day. The meeting focused on the national Closing the Gap targets and how Hunter Primary Care is contributing to these goals. The RAP Working Group shared insights into our commitment to aligning our services and vision with these important targets. Additionally, attendees heard from colleagues working in our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health services, who shared firsthand experiences and client stories that highlight their efforts in closing the gap.
Our staff enjoyed an indigenous inspired morning tea catered by Pier Ninety Seven (formerly known as Peibri Place) and engaged in important conversations about how we can continue to make a difference.
You can read more about our Reconciliation Action Plan and meet our RAP Working Group here.