Feeding Tube Awareness Week (4th-10th February) is about increasing awareness and understanding of those living with feeding tubes.  You can also checkout landmarks throughout Australia and New Zealand lighting up purple and blue for tube feeding this week with locations available via this link https://feedingtubeaware.com.au/raiseawareness/lightuplandmarks/

Tube feeding is when a tube delivers nutrition to individuals who are unable to get enough nutrition through eating alone.  A flexible tube is inserted either through the nose or directly into the digestive system and food is delivered in liquid form.  A tube feed can remain in place as long as the individual needs it.

One of our Dietitian’s young clients requires a feeding tube due to sensory reasons - they are unable to tolerate food orally or via the mouth.  A feeding tube is in place to help support growth and in the last 12 months, he has started to be interested in eating his sister’s custard and has given it a try!  He also loves to drink lots of water now!  Maybe one day this client might not need his feeding tube; but for right now, it helps him to receive all of the nutrition he needs to keep growing.

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