Level 3 NDIS Specialist Support Coordination

LVL-3 Support

Are you an NDIS participant in need of Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination?

If you or someone you care for are an NDIS participant with complex needs requiring specialist support, Hunter Primary Care can assist. Our NDIS team provide Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination to residents in the Hunter and surrounding regions.

Our Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination service builds on the success of support coordination services provided by Hunter Primary Care staff.

Our experienced staff are experts in:

  • Chronic disease management
  • Clinical care coordination
  • Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing
  • Disability and capacity building
  • Navigating the health and disability sector

Our services are funded under the following supports:

  • Capacity Building - Support Coordination (we do not offer Psychosocial Recovery Coaching)

Our NDIS team are qualified to provide expert clinical advice, with team members consisting of:

  • Accredited Dietitians to coordinate the needs of participants who have increasing complexity and multiple co-morbidities across multiple areas of their life. This service utilises a capacity building approach to address barriers in a participants support environment, and ensures that all involved are constantly collaborating to understand the broader health implications that are inextricably linked to participants’ disability.
  • Accredited Exercise Physiologists to create exercise programs to help improve function, movement, reduce pain, prevent future health issues/incapacity, and improve overall health, functioning and quality of life.
  • Accredited Social Workers to coordinate services and ensure that all involved understand the participants needs and are constantly collaborating, as well as supports the planning for future risks. This includes addressing barriers and reducing complexity while coordinating life stages, transitions, and assistance with obtaining or retaining accommodation and tenancy.
  • Credentialed Diabetes Educators to coordinate participant needs to ensure that a participant with diabetes has the necessary care and support in their lifestyle and support environment. This service addresses barriers, reduces complexity in environments, and builds capacity and resilience of the participant.
  • Degree qualified Mental Health Specialists to navigate clinical and non-clinical supports where a participant is experiencing multiple complexities due to their mental health.
  • Occupational Therapists (OT) to coordinate services to ensure that a participant discharged from hospital has the necessary care and support to implement changes to your lifestyle and home environment. This service supports high-risk situations to address barriers and reduce complexity in environment, assisting to connect with supports, build capacity and resilience.

Our commitment to you

We will work alongside your support team to break down barriers and reduce the complexity of navigating services, so you can receive the support you need.

To add value to your NDIS plan our commitment to you is to:

Listen: We work with your support team to identify complexities you are experiencing. It is through this understanding and client-centered approach that our Specialist Support Coordinators will identify solutions to deliver the best coordinated outcomes for you in an agreed-upon timeframe.

Care: Our team provide evidence based clinical care coordination support to you to access health, community services and service providers. We advocate on behalf of you.

Connect: We identify pathways and connect you to services tailored to meet your needs. We will connect support teams so that all involved understand your needs, are talking collaboratively and are planning for future risks. This removes complexities and allows for a seamless transition for you.

How we work with you

To support you on your disability and wellbeing journey Hunter Primary Care will:

  • Ensure choice and control by working with your support team to identify a budget and timeframe
  • Work with your support team to set goals that aim to decrease the need for this high-intensity support to continue
  • Address barriers and reduce complexities, by improving access to clinical services through the coordination of supports and services
  • Connect you with supports to build your capacity and resilience

At the completion of our services, we will provide your GP with a plan to support your delivery of Specialist Support Coordination.

How to refer

If you are an eligible NDIS participant with an existing NDIS plan and you would like to nominate Hunter Primary Care for Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination, contact our NDIS team on (02) 4925 2259 or email NDIS@hunterprimarycare.com.au.

You can also complete our online NDIS referral form below.

NDIS Online Referral Form

Interested in our services?

Our friendly team are ready to answer your questions. Complete this form and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

You can also get in touch with us over the telephone or by email