Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program
Providing nursing students with registered nurse professional experience in aged care.
Aged care (gerontological) nursing is one of the fastest growing career opportunities in nursing. It is also one of the more complex and demanding nursing specialties. The aged care nurse coordinates person centred care with the client and family, with General Practitioners, government agencies, allied health professionals, acute and community organisations. The aim is to help the person living with multiple chronic conditions to live their best life possible.
The Hunter Primary Care Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program allows student nurses to experience the complexity of aged care nursing in a well-supported clinical placement environment where students feel valued and a true part of the team. Students will work with a registered nurse mentor and be provided with additional support from a Clinical Facilitator each day.
Aged Care Clinical Placement Student Guide
This information guide aims to give prospective students information about the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program, information about the organisations and regions involved, what the student can expect on an Aged Care Clinical Placement and what is needed to register and commence an Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement in the Hunter, New England, Mid North Coast, North Coast and Central Coast regions of NSW.
How can I apply?
Click on the button below to complete an application form.
Who can apply?
This program is open to Diploma, Bachelor or Master (graduate entry) of Nursing students. Students will be required to provide probity check and health screening evidence.
Aged care providers
Hunter Primary Care are establishing a network of high-quality Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement hosts and experienced clinical facilitators, with the aim to promote the rich and rewarding opportunities in gerontological nursing.
Interested in hosting an Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement? Click on the button below to register your interest.
Clinical facilitators
Hunter Primary Care are seeking expressions of interest from registered nurses experienced in facilitation of students, to support high quality Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements.
Interested in becoming a clinical facilitator? Click on the button below to register your interest.
More information
For more information about our Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program, you can contact our friendly team on (02) 4935 3241 or email
Current students
We have developed a range of resources to support students, facilitators and mentors who participate in the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program.
Hunter Primary Care acknowledges the program funding received from The Department of Health and Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program.