Education is part of the core work Nurses do every day and we are privileged to have an amazing team of Nursing Clinical Facilitators working with our Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement program.
With International Nurses Day on Sunday, 12th May, we felt this was an opportune time to share the story of John, a student in our Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program
John applied to join Hunter Primary Care’s Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program and was placed with Mel, a Registered Nurse and Clinical Facilitator.
“I can still recall what it was like showing up on your first day of placement. You’re in an unfamiliar environment, the setting may be new for you and you know no one” says Mel. “As a Clinical Facilitator, your goal of the first meeting with students is to reiterate they are in a supportive learning environment and make them feel welcome”.
John (pictured third from the right) was candid in explaining he was unsure why he had chosen nursing. His brother, a Registered Nurse, had encouraged him to consider it and he wasn’t sure if aged care would be the right clinical specialty for him upon completion of his studies. This can be a common response for anyone undertaking studies as whilst students cover theory components in detail, practical opportunities provide students a realistic and hands on learning opportunity.
During his placement, John applied an open minded approach to the program and embraced the learning opportunity. He flourished. On his final week of the program, he shared that he wanted to pursue work in aged care. He had enjoyed his placement so much he even said “it doesn’t feel like coming to work”.
“As Clinical Facilitators, we mentor our students to provide them the best opportunity available in their learning journey. We are beyond proud of our students for embracing the program and can’t describe how rewarding it is when we see students find their passion” says Mel.
Click here to find out more about our Aged Care Clinical Placements program here.
Pictured from left: Jasmine Chapman-Clavan, Mel Tume (Hunter Primary Care), Helen Horvath, Ashley Manney, John Ambas (student), Charmaine Steyn & Laurey Garratt from Fronditha Care Newcastle.