Sam is a dedicated, resourceful and recovery oriented Accredited Social Worker and Registered Behaviour Support Practitioner with extensive experience in mental health clinical care coordination and psychosocial disability advocacy.  Sam holds a Bachelor of Social Work Honours and practices from an inclusive, trauma-informed, client centred approach, utilising evidence based therapeutic interventions and modalities.  Having attained credentials in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Sam actively applies interventions informed by these modalities into her work as a Behaviour Support Practitioner.

Sam is also a published academic author in the international journal, Nurse Education Today, resulting from her work on a project implementing and evaluating improved inclusive practices for university students with a disability, enhancing their educational and wellbeing outcomes.  Sam is passionate about continuous professional development and continual quality improvement of service provisions, ensuring commitment to best practice and fostering innovative solutions.

Outside of Sam’s professional life, she has also been a carer for a family member with a psychosocial disability and has experience navigating mental health and NDIS services from the perspective of a carer, as well as professionally.  Sam also has a diverse lived experience of adverse life events which have enabled her to have a compassionate insight and empathy when working with vulnerable and resilient members of our community.

Sam works collaboratively with participants and their surrounding support systems, striving to improve health and well-being outcomes through completing comprehensive risk, safety, and clinical assessments, implementing tailored therapeutic interventions, and informing protective and responsive strategies to address challenges; ensuring the persons support network is best equipped to provide effective support in working toward their recovery goals.